Growing unusual plants

“The birches” aim is to produce unusual plants as well as our rare breed of sheep.

We have started a small selection of dye plants. Weld, on the left  and Woad on the right.

These plants have been grown since medieval times for the quality of the dye that they produce. I have three of each plant to start and will grow on these plants to make a viable dyeing process for either the wool or other nature fibre products.

I am also very interested in herbs and am starting to develop a range of plants, some of which are: Thymes, mints, balms, bay to name a few.

Our other venture is to grow a variety of berry plants: raspberry, blackberry, gooseberry and strawberry.

This year we grew enough raspberries to eat and make jam.

food forest blueberries raspberries

I have harvested the weld plants (dye plants) and intend to dye a range of materials to see how much colour these plants yield.

Weld plants summer 2019

The woad did not do so well here so I will try again next year. The plant have seeded and so I should get a bigger yield next year.