The Orchard


We have set the Orchard up on the eastern boundary where the trees get plenty of sun and room to grow.

We have started with two old types of apples: Mother-in- laws Slip and Slack-ma-Girdle (cider apples) and a Granny Smith (eating and cook apple).

The other fruit in the orchard will be olives; Leccino and Frantoio varieties. These olive trees should grow well in our hot summer and cold winter, although it will be several years before we have a harvest.

At present we are growing the olives in pots on the north facing house plot but in time we will transplant them into the Orchard.

January 2020: update on the Orchard, there are two trees of heritage cider and one cooking, Granny Smith.

We have decided not to put the olive trees and citrus out here as there is not enough protection. The apple trees seem to be ok.

These are the original olive trees planted 2018: Leccino on the left and Frantoio on the right.

This is an update on the olive trees this year 2020, they love being around the house with the all day sun. In winter we put them under the veranda for shelter against the frost and snow.

Citrus trees also planted in 2018 and now have filled out and produced single fruits to date.