


One of our first projects has been preparing the Lavender Plot. The ‘house acre’ includes a large growing area where we intend to grow the lavender. We intend to harvest the flowers for the scent, make essential oils and lavender water.

We have started with two varieties of Lavender – Pacific Blue (Lavandula angustifolia)

Pacific Blue (2)
Pacific Blue

for the colour steadfastness of the plant and


Gross (Lavandula x intermedia) for the perfume of the flowers. Both types of lavender will produce oils.

We have started with six plants of each type, which we intend to use for the flowers and oils.


Rosemary has also been planted for the essential oils that can be produced. It is also a good companion for the Lavender plants.

Rosemary 1
Rosemary 2

January 2020

I harvested the lavender 2018, dried and stored for future use; this has now been bottled in oil to produce infused oil.

The 2019 harvest of Pacific Blue lavender has now been dried and is waiting for the next process, which I haven’t decided on yet. Watch this space.

Grosso took longer to produce and so I have only harvested that today, January 2nd. That now needs to hang for about 2 weeks until dry.