Spring – September

Now that spring has arrived at ‘the birches’, (a little later than some places because we are closer to the mountains) we expect to be busy from now on.

The vegetable garden needs to be added to, the sheep need shearing (hang on a minute, did that yesterday) and the ‘girls’ are due for lambing in about 3-6 weeks.

Much reading is being done by the ‘newbies’ from how to grow …. to what to look for when raising lambs.

Look for photos of the lambs soon …


End of Winter

Well we hope that we have seen the worst of the winter; but something tells me that it might not be the case.

We had such a stunning morning that it seems to me we may get an early spring.

The chores around the farm are nearly finished; for the winter at least. We have managed to tidy up the paddocks (topped Two Acre paddock) which means that new grass will grow easier and the new lambs (should there be any), will have spring grass.

The glasshouse is installed, we have 2 olive trees planted in pots, 2 citrus trees also in pots (lemon and lime) – my favourites! Picked up 90% of the leaves around the garden and have cleaned out the fish pond ready for more goldfish and new water plants.

August will be a busy month; planting potatoes, putting in my dye plants Woad and Weld, planting more strawberries (who doesn’t like a good supply of that fruit), and setting up the glasshouse with tomatoes and lots of other vegetables before planting out in the vegetable plot.

The Gotlands will be shorn in September; this is a necessity if they are pregnant as the wool could break after birthing any lambs. We intend to spin, felt and maybe sell some of the wool so it is imperitive that the quality is the very best. (see more on the Gotland page about the wool).



At the moment it is winter here in Springfield. The days can be cold or can be beautiful and warm.

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The clouds have hidden the mountains…

We have now put in a new glasshouse (polycarbonate) in which we are growing a lemon tree, lime tree, strawberries, ginger, basil and for companion planting and to help stop pests in the glasshouse, we are growing borage.

Out in the vegetable plots I have put most of the common herbs, rocket, celery, spinach, garlic and onions, and although it is cold, most of the herbs are surviving the frosts.

This is a good time to get the garden and the paddocks tidied before the spring growth. We have been able to ‘top’ the two acre paddock so that the grass will grow better in the spring.

The roadside verges were also overgrown and untidy; those are now mowed and should be more managable with the ride-on (loving called Bumble Bee).

Yes, we name almost everything, but we wont name any ‘food’ we think we might need. So the names of the sheep are Suzie, Chocolate, Salt and Pepper;


the paddocks are Home Paddock, Triangle Field and Two Acre Field.


Pippin – a manx cat aged 11 years. He’s very inquisitive, likes to go for long walks with his humans and is also very talkative.


Lacy – SPCA saved cat aged 17 years. She’s quiet (except at dinner time) and loves to lie in the sun all day; but at 17 years I think she’s earned her rest. In her day she was a great mouser.

Lacy feb 2018 saffron st.jpg

Lastly, one of the most hard working people who help make ‘the birches’ a lovely house and home; Leigh my long suffering husband who likes to remind me “I only wanted a house, you wanted a farm”.

Leigh hand feeding sheep nuts to the flock.

This is our location, home and lifestyle.

We would be happy to welcome visitors at anytime!

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

If you smile at any time while reading this blog, then it has served its purpose.
Clare Fletcher

This journey started back in February 2018 when we finally moved into our new home situated in Springfield, Canterbury. This is our backyard, the magnificent Southern Alps; home to ski fields such as Porters Pass, Craigeburn and many others. We are two hours away from Arthurs Pass and the West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand.