Reflective week …

If I said that last week was a joy and pain, you will understand what I mean if you have been following my stories. Today I’d like to tell you a little of my personal journey thus far …

I care very deeply about my family, friends, animals in my family and, in fact, most living things. I also have this ability to ‘deal with a crisis’ at the time, but heaven help me if I don’t stop and take stock a few days later because sooner or later I’ll reach the point that I have a ‘crash’.

Well that crash happened last night. I’d been on an adrenalin high for about a week (brought on by the lamb Ema, Sugar dying, and then yesterday thinking one of the mums had an infection in her udder). Just as well I have a great husband in Leigh who talked me through it and I am now back to my normal self. This type of thing has only happened a few times in my life but one I have found does make me stronger (when I come out the other end).

I’m telling you my story simply because living on our farm and raising our flock isn’t all ‘wonderful and beautiful’. Having the responsibility to ensure that we take the ‘best’ possible care of our animals, young and old, sick and well, does also take a toll on our mental wellbeing sometimes.

I’d like to think I’m a pragmatist and I do understand about life and death on a farm, but sometimes I tend to make it too personal for me … but that’s my love of life in all things.

It is 6.20am on a beautiful Sunday morning, Ema has had her first big feed (250mls) of milk and is now going onto four feeds a day instead of the 4 hourly feeds, so she has feeds at 6am, 12pm, 6pm and 12am. She has had her injection of antibiotics and pain relief (I gave last night) and is bouncing around like a ‘jack in the box’.

I will now start sitting with her (during the fine days) in the paddock where she can mingle with the other lambs so that she is known and accepted by the flock. She will still stay in her pen in the garage at night for a long while yet, probably until she’s weaned.

Oh, by the way, the picture on the home page is of Nickel. If you are wondering why I’ve changed the picture on the home page, please go to the ‘memorial’ page here.

Nice to chat again … see you all soon.

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