Nico’s blog – #9 the pantry … and other cool places

I’z back again…

I’z haven’t told you about my favourite place in all the world…

After the humans have been out in the noisy box…. they’s come home with my favourites…food. I’z watch them put the foods in big cupboard….Mama Clare calls it a ‘pantry’…..mmm I’z like that place….pantry you say…has my favourite biscuits…mmm fish, meat, mmm. Mama Clare rattles the packet and I’z know I’z gettin bikkies. Mama also talks to me ….bla bla…but I’z understand some talk….meat…meat…means she’s goin to the big cold cupboard (fridge) to get my dinner…mmmm raw meats…yum… when I’z finished I’z lick my lips…mmm tasty…though not as taste as when I catch my own dinner…..yummmy….I’z gettn good at that. I’z catch birdies…mice…yum taste. Soon I’z be able to feed Mama Clare and Leigh, I’z be ‘grown up’ soon.

Other cools places that I’z have…. are my bed… in a big box…(wardrobe)….I’z sleep in there when Mama plays on her magic thing (computer)…I’z like that too…. it is funny….. I sees fish…. and water…. and balls (screen savers and games)….but I’z can’t touch them…. I’z pat the pictures (screen) but I’z not catch them fishes….. funny humans…….

I’z like the garage…. sometimes Leigh goes in there and plays with a funny box (washing machine) humans wash their skins in there….and my blankets sometimes…. I’z look in there when Leigh puts my blanket in there….it comes out all wet….I’z not like it. When they’s put it on my bed it smells funny….. I’z have to sleep on it to make it smell nice again….silly humans..

The bestest place….after the ‘pantry’ is the barn…..tiz a wonderful place…. has hay an mices… climbing things… (workbenches and shelves)….I’z love dis place…. I’z smell all sorts that humans don’t know about….sometimes has birdies that fly in when the door is open….tiz a big cave……but I’z sometimes cant get out….silly humans shut the door an I’z have to stay …. but they’z call an call me… an then they’z find me in the barn…. an then I’z go in the house with them….I’z not slept in barn…they’z always find me….

I’z like to climb trees too, after I’z looked in the workshed I’z go see Louie…he lives through the trees.

I’z tired now…..I’z have a nap…Bye….

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