Going to the dairy to get milk …

I thought it was time to tell Nico to go outside. He’s spending far too much time in front of the computer and it is my turn to tell you all about a typical day for us.

I don’t know if you know the saying, “going to the dairy to get milk”. It is a common saying in New Zealand and possibly some other countries, and it means that you go down to the local shop (in the village or town) to buy your extra daily supplies like milk, eggs etc prior to a main grocery shopping expedition.

In our case “going to the dairy” has a slightly different meaning. It literally means going to a farm and buying our milk straight from the farmer and their cows. There are certain farms in New Zealand that are allowed to sell milk directly to customers but of course, there are strict health and hygiene regulations that the farmer must comply with in order to sell his milk, there must be strict adherence to hygiene for the cows, the milk must be kept at a specific temperature and the bottles must be sterilised and kept in a chiller, as is the milk.

I have been drinking this milk for over five years now and have not had the stomach problems I use to have when drinking the pasteurised, A1 milk that you buy in the supermarkets.

Click here to read about this topic.

So of course every few days we have to take a trip to get our milk. Yesterday we decided to take the sports car for a run. It is always a treat to go out in ‘Silk’ as she’s not suitable for most of the ‘farm’ shopping we do. The diary (farm) that we go to is about 1/2 hour drive to a small village called Oxford, the farm is called Caven Farm.

The milk keeps in the fridge for about 1 week and we sterilise the bottles before we visit the farm. It tastes like the old fashioned milk with the cream on the top (lovely on porridge for breakfast).

So that’s our trip to the dairy….take care… Nico will probably be back soon with more antics..

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