Nico’s blog – #4 using the ‘cat door’

Hi tiz me agin…. I’z very pleased with myself…I’z can come and go now all by myself..(don’t have to wait till humans open the door)…I’z can use my special door…cat size…

Tiz a long story… first I used special door with string up…was good…I climb out all the time.. happy kitten…then the humans shut the door and I try and try to push my body to open it…I meow at it…it not open…I sit by it…nope…

Humans have to open it for me….mmmm then one day I watch Louie…he pushed it with his nose…he open it and come inside to see me…mmmm I can do that!!! Next time I’z outside I try…it open when I push my nose and foot on door…happy cat.. I’z inside…yeh…

Ok…so how’s I get out? mmm not workin… cant push body against door…….mmmmmm I think about diz some more…

(Next day)…mmm tiz raining…humans show me door open (secret is when blind is up door is open, when blind is down door is locked)…mmm I’z been shown door open, human swing it for me…mmm put head and foot on it…….yay is open…me go through it……’z happy cat….. now use door all da time…….

I think Louie very clever cat cause he show me…he’s older than me…I’z 8 months……..he’z 10 months…

bye…back soon with more tales tails no tails…hehe I’z a Manx…

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