Nico’s blog – # 3 the new sheepie stuff …

Hi t’z Nico again… hope you liked my post about my friend Louie…he’s cool to play with. Did you see him in the ‘firebox’ photos? Mama Clare took a photo of us two playin around before the guests arrived…

My humans went out in their ‘noisy box’ (the car) with a …. wire thingie (trailer). I didn’t want to go..but I like to have a look inside the noisy box when not making a noise…

Well this mornin…we’z go n feed the sheep with the new …feed box… tiz good for the sheep cause the sheep nuts don’t go on the cold ground… an the new feeder for hay means that the sheep can eat nice warm food. I thought it was a great place to play…n I haz a look in the box but sheep eat all the nuts…

I’z a big help with the sheeps…I like to run around with them…they like me…

Well that’s my mornin…I’m off to play with Louie now…bye….

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