… why we decided to live in Canterbury and buy a lifestyle block

Continuing on from our time on the coast, https://thebirchesspringfield.com/2020/04/07/who-we-are-who-am-i/

Our discussion turned to ‘What do we want to do for the rest of our lives?’ I decided that I needed a new direction now that full-time employment was no longer necessary and Leigh was happy to go along with my plan to raise sheep, and especially the Gotland Pelt breed.

It took us all year (2017) to find the block we wanted; it had to have good pasture (as the Gotties need free-draining ground), good structure for the farm (high fences for sheep that are escape artists), a good size house that was nicely appointed and well maintained,(Leigh wanted a house, I wanted a farm) and not too far from Christchurch, where extended family live.

Of course there was the discussion ‘why are we buying a farm to retire to instead of buying a nice house in the suburbs’ but as we both grew up on farms, had enjoyed our west coast farming time with the two sheep and because I was interested in learning some new skills (wool spinning, dyeing and crafting) we decided that we were NOT to old to start a new venture.

When we have the opportunity to stop and admire the view from the window, we realise that we made a good decision to move here. I find quiet pleasure in walking around the farm to see the little changes we have made since we shifted here. It might be a new planting structure in the garden, or it might be visiting the sheep on a cold fresh frosty morning to give them some nuts from our hands, whatever it is, I am thankful that we took the risk.

Thank you for reading. I look forward to talking with you again soon.

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