What I have been doing in lockdown …

I started knitting a Guernsey jersey for Leigh back in February and this week managed to finish it off (not quite in time for the birthday celebrations).

I’m very pleased with the result, it quite a heavy jersey but will be good for our cold winters. The wool was professionally carded and spun, but the wool was from one of our foundation ewes, Chocolate.

My other project – which was a very quick one – was to knit myself some fingerless gloves from the wool I spun up myself and dyed.

These only took a couple of hours and here is the pattern if anyone wants to use it.

Fingerless gloves :Double knit wool, I used number 4 needles, and the yellow is my own dying and the grey is Suzie’s wool.

Cast on 40 stitches and rib in 2 x 2 (knit 2 and purl 2 – repeat) for 4cms.
Change to knit row/purl row (stocking stitch) and if you wish, change colour at this point. Knit for approximately 8.5 cms
Change back to original colour (if wish) and rib (2×2) again for 4cm.
Cast off in rib.
Turn over into half lengthways and stitch together the top rib and the bottom rib, then stitch half way up the stocking stitch to close the part of the thumb. See picture for completed gloves.

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