First week of New Zealand isolation.

Well the week has gone ok, and we are getting use to staying home. Much of what we do is the same whether we are in isolation or just getting on with our normal daily routine except we can’t pop out for a coffee at our favourite shop.

Nico has been house-bound for a couple of days because he is a ‘woosey cat’ when it comes to rain (I don’t know why because he is fascinated by water from the taps or any water in the basins). Well anyway I thought I’d make him some toys to play with and to entertain him. Here is Nico at play.

Our first venture to the grocery shop yesterday meant that we had to be inventive with our shopping; 1 person 1 trolley so we split the list into two and did the shopping as individuals. Leigh is good at the stocking of the pantry shelves, so he did that and I got the vegetables and the meat plus good things to eat oh and I found some ping pong balls for Nico to play with.

We had to space ourselves out prior to entering the shop and so when we got there the line was quite long. So our shopping which usually takes 3/4 hour took us half hour to get to the front of the line and then another hour to do get the goods, pay for them and put them in the car. We shopped for two weeks so we wont have to do that again for a while. People were very polite, we chatted with the people in the line but everyone was ‘subdued’ and a little worried; but I have to say the shop assistants were great, no fuss and they were polite and well organised.

We can do this; world!!!! We will come out of this again.

The sun is shining today and that always makes me feel better. Take care all;

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