Day 5 – New Zealand’s in ‘stay at home’ mode

Good morning, my friends. So far this first week of isolation we have had a good start and to celebrate a good week I made a yummy breakfast yesterday morning.

Day one – the septic tank decided to make a very foul (not fowl) smell around the garden and so thinking of the health issue, I called our friendly ‘drainage/septic tank’ person to come and check it for us. All good he says, (thank goodness) we just aren’t filling it fast enough,”it’ll settle down soon” he says.

Day two – had to go down to the local dairy (not the shop but the farm that sells us our raw milk from the cows) as we had run out of milk and it’s something that I need as I am intolerant to the normal milk. That was a weird drive, not many cars – counted about 10 in 30 minutes travel – and they were all work cars, i.e. farmers, tradies; and the streets were empty except when we got to Oxford (where the milk farm is situated) and the local grocery shop was ‘full’.

Day three – four was quietly staying home and getting on with projects like gardening, feeding sheep and of course, playing with the kitten, Nico.

Take care all. Back soon.

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