March – autumn is here – 3rd March

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I am very pleased to be able to welcome visitors to my website. I have been talking about our lifestyle block for nearly 2 years now and I am always amazed at the folk who ‘call in’ to see what we are doing. Thank you all.

March 20, 2020

We are all facing some unpleasant situations with this world-wide virus and my thoughts go out to all who are reading my blog and I hope you and your family are safe.

As far as I can, I am being positive in my approach to a change in lifestyle. I still have sheep to look after, the garden to tend and I am trying to grow fruit and vegetables but this is an ongoing issue as I really don’t know what grows well here yet.

The sheep are doing well, and have a new ‘friend’ in with them – Tuppence is living up to his name and getting on with the job of ‘befriending’ the girls. Hopefully we will have some lambs in the spring.

Nico, our young Manx kitten has now been with us for a month so he’s five months old now and adjusting to our life as well as us adjusting to him.

He continues to learn more about his surroundings and loves to visit the sheep in the morning. He has a bit of a habit of climbing up the trellis and onto the roof of the house when he’s excited and then of course he can’t get down, so we have to climb up the ladder and get him down. And what’s with the toys, who’s gona pick up all the toys when you’ve finished playing? “I’m hiding, not me!”

You may not know the story in New Zealand but a lot of people have been panic buying things like toilet rolls, hand sanitiser and now plants, potting mix and seeds. To lighten the mood a little, my husband decided that we need something other than those items so he went out and bought a new car; a Mercedes Benz, 1999 hardtop convertible (I’ve always secretly wanted one).

Today we decided to take a small road trip to the Bealey, in the middle of the Southern Alps, Canterbury, between the east coast and the west coast. We were away from people, had a picnic by ourselves and enjoyed the great outdoors.

Be safe, be happy and I will write again soon.

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