Day 7 – first week with Nico

At first I thought this blog was going to be about our sheep, our experience with the farm and about our life that has changed – for the better – I believe. Well that is of course true but what I didn’t know was that life with a kitten that has a unique personality was about to change our knowledge on cats dramatically. It’s a bit like having a ‘baby’ in the house, all cuteness and cuddles, but also teaching and training, the question is who’s teaching who?

I have to tell you all about our wake-up mornings; Nico sleeps under the bed in his own private ‘cave’. He is very quiet and sleeps right through till about 7.00 am. Then it’s all stealth and quietly climbing onto the bed to see if the ‘humans’ are awake.

This morning was quite unusual though. I am asleep, I hear a purring and open my eyes to see him looking at me. He started purring louder as he can see I’m awake. I whisper to him, ‘I’m not awake yet’ and close my eyes again. He pads his paws (without claws thank goodness) over my eyes, very gently ‘ pad pad’ like he’s saying ‘wake up’, I ignore him so he then puts his nose on my nose and carefully pads pads with his paws again on my eyes. Well I gave up sleep at this point and got up; mmm now I wonder if I’m being trained to wake up when he wants me too?

But isn’t this face cuteness in the extreme?

I am impressed though, with the learning going on in this little mind. He knows now that the ‘scratch post’ is the only place to rip into with his claws, not allowed to do that on the sofas, that the benches and table tops are Not the place for kittens to sit, that he is allowed to sit on the sofa cushions and look out the window at the birds and rabbits outside, and that outdoors is a good place to run and climb up trees.

Pretty good learning for a week in the new residence.

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