January 2020 – my goodness what a start …

While having a lazy few days at the start of the new year, I am thinking about all our friends and family in Australia. The sky here is clouded with smoke from the bush fires of Australia so much that I have stayed inside these last two days.

Today we had rain and so is starting to clear our skies. The photo doesn’t accurately describe what we are seeing, the mountains have faded to a grey/pink sky and the sun is a watery circle. You can smell the smoke in the air and it is hard to see to the bottom of the road.

A little snow still on the Torlesse Range

Comparing the two photos you will understand a little of what we see. Our thoughts are with our neighbours across the ‘ditch’.

The other processes underway are the cutting and drying of the Grosso lavender, making lavender infused oil with the 2018 dried lavender plants, continuing with the knitting of the jersey for next winter, giving the flock tasty new grass to eat, oh and purchasing a bed and toys for the newcomer who will be with us at the end of January.

Happy holidays to you all and we’ll chat again soon.

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