Coming up to holidays…..(not for us though)

Well it’s shaping up to be a very busy month for us, work on spinning up this years fleece, knitting up something with the 2018 yarn and visiting a neighbouring Gotland Pelt farm (in Motueka, Nelson area) with an eye to finding a nice ‘ram’ for the flock for next year. On top of that we will squeeze in Christmas and New Year.

I have ten lots of fleece to process, plus two lots of 2018’s washed, carded and spun fleece (20 hanks of yarn approx 200g each hank) for either selling or knitting.

The two commercially spun fleeces l had done were Suzie’s, (top left example) and Chocolate’s (darkest grey on right) both from the 2018 clip.

The other examples of spun wool are from my collection of spinning this year from the latest clip.

I intend to knit up a couple of jerseys in the Guernsey style to see how the commercially spun wool knits, so watch this blog for photos of the knitting process.

Next week I will post photos of our trip to Motueka and the potential boy for next year.

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