End of October – lots of growing

With one day left of October and the weather (not wether) is being annoying. One day it is beautiful and I can get out in the garden or paddock to do ‘things’, the other day like today, is cloudy and I don’t feel like going outside to do stuff.

The grass is growing (except in Two Acre paddock)

and the flock are growing their wool at an alarming rate; last shear early February and now late October and they have good fleece ready for cutting off.

Now that Two Acre has been sprayed off so that it can be drilled and sown back in fresh grass of course the flock want to go in there. “Wezz sheep think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and even if the gate is shut wezz still want to go in the paddock and eat dead grass………….mmmmmmmmmm”.

How many times have I shooed them back? Well I gave up and opened the gate…. can’t do much harm now and it will be soil soon.

The ground is still a little cold for growth of some plants but the herbs are coming on nicely, thank goodness something is growing.

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