August – hope is in the air

The winter is nearly over and it feels as if there is the hope and promise of better weather coming soon. It might be cold, there might be snow on the mountains and there may be snow and bad weather forecasted but I am determined to look at the bright side and plan my spring projects.

As for August, for me, it is the month of birthdays; my own, my mothers (1925 – 2002) and my sister’s. So that has to be something to celebrate – (not getting older of course).

We are taking time out this month to go down to Lake Tekapo and view the beautiful sky at the observatory. On my return, I hope to have some amazing photos to share.

The photo below is our sky on a beautiful moonlight night.

Meanwhile back on the farm; we have a sitter to look after the flock, and our one cat Pippin. You won’t know but our lady ‘Lacy’ died in June at the age of 18 years. I hope she had a good life on the farm and with us. She will be remembered.

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