First 6 days of 2019

The first days of the new year have been busy with family and friends visiting. They loved to see the sheep and antics of the lambs; although I suppose technically they are not really lambs now as they are 3 months old and nearly as tall as their mothers.

We have enjoyed having our grand-daughter staying with us for a couple of days over the holidays and as she is developing into a ‘not half bad’ photographer I said that I’d share some of her photos here (with her permission of course).

We have quite a bit to do now that the holiday season is over; definitely mow those paddocks, just look at the grass – it’s been a very wet and hot season and the grass has reached record heights (some say the grass hasn’t been this high in 30 years).

We also need to keep an eye on the sheep as ‘fly strike’ is rampant this year; we seem to be doing ok at present, 1 because the flock is looked at once a day and 2 because the sheep have a short fleece at this time of year. It always pays to be vigilant though.

The greenhouse is proving useful; we are successfully growing a range of tomatoes and peppers. Not so successful with the strawberries, they are growing into strange shapes! The growing in the greenhouse is also a new learning curve for me and one that will take a little while to understand; we have different temperatures than the Canterbury plains.

What with keeping up with spraying (plants where they’re not wanted) and mowing lawns, paddocks and verges; weeding the vegetable plots (going to change that this year) and tending the sheep the days are going fast!

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