Last two days of 2018

What an exciting and interesting year this has been; we’ve gone from having the idea of raising a rare breed of sheep, Gotland Pelt, to now considering marketing their fibre and all that entails.

I was considering getting some fibre goats, namely the Angora goats, but after discussing the fibre industry in New Zealand with a goat breeder who is breeding for ‘cashmere’ I have decided to stay with the Gotland Pelt breed and build up this breed for fibre.

My task for 2019 will be to enquire about other Gotland breeders wanting to sell their wool, to look into markets for this and then 2020 breed on my foundation ewes and the three new babies from this year.

Nickel – from Suzie and Otahu

I have no doubt that my work will be hard; firstly I need to find a business willing to take the raw fibre and turn it into a managable yarn, then find spinners and/or weavers to turn the yarn into products.

If there are any spinners or weavers out there wanting to look at the Gotland Pelt breed for fibre I would be interested to talk with them.

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