End of Winter

Well we hope that we have seen the worst of the winter; but something tells me that it might not be the case.

We had such a stunning morning that it seems to me we may get an early spring.

The chores around the farm are nearly finished; for the winter at least. We have managed to tidy up the paddocks (topped Two Acre paddock) which means that new grass will grow easier and the new lambs (should there be any), will have spring grass.

The glasshouse is installed, we have 2 olive trees planted in pots, 2 citrus trees also in pots (lemon and lime) – my favourites! Picked up 90% of the leaves around the garden and have cleaned out the fish pond ready for more goldfish and new water plants.

August will be a busy month; planting potatoes, putting in my dye plants Woad and Weld, planting more strawberries (who doesn’t like a good supply of that fruit), and setting up the glasshouse with tomatoes and lots of other vegetables before planting out in the vegetable plot.

The Gotlands will be shorn in September; this is a necessity if they are pregnant as the wool could break after birthing any lambs. We intend to spin, felt and maybe sell some of the wool so it is imperitive that the quality is the very best. (see more on the Gotland page about the wool).


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